What I’ve learned about letting go

Letting go is hard. So hard. And I wish it wasn’t. Often, I feel discouraged by how hard it is. Yet, I know that letting go is the gateway to newness.

In the past I have stayed with things longer than I should have because I was scared to let go. I knew I needed to move on, and still I held on, making up reasons that overroad my intuition.

I held on because I was afraid that nothing was ahead, that nothing would take its place and I would be lost and alone. What I’ve learned is that something always comes- and that it’s always a better fit, always what I needed but didn’t know I needed, always more nourishing than than the thing I was so determined to hold onto.

I’ve learned that Life doesn’t allow for holding on. Life is change. Constant change- as we all know, yet often fail to recognize when these changes ask us to let go of something that has long given us comfort, maybe even safety.

You can always trust your intuition to tell you when it’s time to move on from something. However, there will likely be a piece of your mind- of your old self- that doesn’t want to let go. Honor that piece of yourself. Talk to it, comfort it and lovingly tell it that to grow and prosper you must move forward, and sometimes when you move forward things must be left behind.

Trust that when you leap the net will appear. I come back to this over and over again when I’m asked to step from something familiar and sure to something unfamiliar and uncertain. Because the net always does appears.

When you dive off the cliff, you find your wings.

So don’t be afraid to leap. And don’t be afraid to let go. Life has you. You are held and so supported in your letting go. So let go and trust. A life beyond your greatest imagining is waiting on the other side of you letting go.

Where and with what do you need to let go?


Weaving the Lost Pieces of Ourselves


Pisces season, Emotions, Cosmic Upgrades & Big Astrological Shifts